Questions of Being

Often the young woman would sit and contemplate the old photograph. The two people pictured there, had lived 100 years before. They looked back at her from the photo with serenity and great wisdom gained after a lifetime of experiences. Who were this man and this woman? Their names of course she knew – but who were they in life? What thoughts, sorrows, joys, and love did they experience, oh so long ago? Stories handed down through generations provide only a momentary glimpse into what was a long, fruitful, and mostly difficult life for these two people... these ancestors.

In wonder the young woman reflected upon the few known experiences from their lives – those fiery furnaces through which they had passed and emerged from all the more strong and confident. What of them now could be found in her own thoughts or actions... in her very blood? What had been passed down through time and distance from them – to now be found in a day and age so dissimilar from their own? The young woman herself was quite different from the people in the photograph – but how much of that was only physical appearances?

As the young woman continued to ponder these many questions – something inside whispered to her that those who had lived so long ago were not really all that removed from herself. The specific experiences and lifestyles may have differences – that was true. And the young woman hoped that when she finally one day met these two people face to face that she could honestly tell them that she had done her best to bring honor to their legacy.

And at that moment, the young woman realized that those people in the photograph were only a part of her true self. What things, what talents had she inherited from her Eternal Father in Heaven which were also – and to a much greater extent – a part of her very being? As important as it seems to recognize one’s mortal ancestors and their impact upon our lives – how much more important is it to acknowledge and give honor and respect to our Beloved Father in Heaven for all that He has bequeathed to us, His children?

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